If you ordered the right size, but still got the wrong one, we’ll be more than happy to send you a free reshipment. In cases like those, we only offer discount code 50% to next purchase because we notify very carefully in tittle and description. We’ve seen in most of the cases that the wrong size if selected by our customers when they place the order without reading description carefully. If you’ve received the wrong size, please check the order you placed with us. So once it leaves our factory, it will reach youįeel free to contact us by if you face any issues due to the delivery time. It gets very difficult for us to cancel the order after it leaves our factory. You’ll have the tracking details too to keep a check on the status. We’ll always be there to assist you let you know about it’s status. We’d really appreciate if you wait for your order for a few more days. Every post office can’t accommodate packages after a certain limit, hence the delays are caused. But, in some cases it might be delayed due to post office issues. Because we have several different warehouses, there are some products that are shipped differently at the same time.

Estimated shipping time is 2-4 weeks by the shipping companies to make your order reach you. Please allow 6-8 days to receive a tracking number while your order is hand-crafted, packaged and shipped from our facility. All of our product are custom-made-to-order and handcrafted to the highest quality standards.

You might have ordered it for a special occasion or you simply don’t like waiting. We totally understand that it’s highly frustrating not to receive the orders on time. All we’d need would be a picture of the faulty item. If the item deliver to you would be faulty or if withers off in the first wash, we’ll send you a free reshipment. If you receive a faulty item, just send us a picture of it toour email along with your order number. We accept to customer return and refund in following reasons: